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Developer: Google |
I’ve been using Google Drive for about 2 years now. I needed something to replace iCloud. I love the fact there is no limitations when you upload. Just now I tried to open a video file to preview and somehow it showed a corrupted play button. My heart dropped and all I had to do was close the app and restart it. It worked fine. The only reason why I’m using Google Drive is so that my files aren’t ever going to get corrupt on me. Even if I send a copy to my camera roll I’ll need it to show the exact date from when it’s been uploaded or taken. Perfectly, the app does just that. I’m happy to use Google Drive for all the files. Being a freelance photographer and cinematographer I’d recommend this app to anyone. Please don’t change anything within the app to make it difficult, or corrupt any of the files.Update: saving photo to camera roll doesn’t show original date taken. It shows the day I save to camera roll. Uploads duplicates (sometimes), uploading a large amount of photos crashes the app, uploading shows the wrong number of uploads.Update: Saving a photo or video slightly decreases the resolution. We should be able to upload a photo or video with the resolution it was taken then saving it exactly how we upload it.
I can easily check in with my students by creating "shared" folders. I have my own folders for each class hour I teach and each student has their own "shared" folder to me. Every assignment is to be done in this shared folder which I can access on my own screen and communicate via comments without standing over their shoulder. This gives accountability that students are on task and not hopping to a new browser, auto saves their work, folders can be shared/viewed by parents so parents know if their student is up to date with assignments, and gives me the luxury to have a paperless system-no more student claims of "I turned it in!".Clearly I like Docs as a result of teaching Langage Arts but we use slides, and students have their own websites by using "sites" which we use for facilitating student led conferences. This helps students be better prepared for future job interviews and practice presentation skills.The accessibility to view past versions of work is key to know when edits have been made to projects and lets students easily collaborate for group projects. I am SO GLAD our school has chosen to use Google Drive. I feel it's the best fit for both teachers and students to interact in this era that combines education and innovation.
Say it’s success is dependent upon server or is: So google would make ya Believe they have one up on everybody else. And they should have one up then everybody else because they been around so long and if you seen all the infrastructure and the underpinnings and me in the network that makes things go around so as a drive for you wanna put your stuff there’s got to be Solid and not going to float away during a big storm so Google drive that was a virtual drive and as of that virtual drive it’s not anything that you can well if that’s ever goes away so drive and that’s the hard part about it because if you don’t give a look up in your system you don’t know what do you have any of the right availability of actually seeing it that creates two problems one the actual space with your hard drive we have to exist for you to have a double drives and to the sink properties it would belong to those documents on your hard drive versus those that are out there in the cloud or in a drive but on a cloud so those are the complicating to happen there in the summer hard and fast rules about that and some different lip service levels of agreements that are now part of the Infrastructure in progress.
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